BBC Alba HD Saturday

6:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal
4:00 PM
Live Shinty - Valerie Fraser Cup
Badenoch v Lochaber (Throw-up 4.05pm)
6:00 PM
Fraochy Bay
Times are tough for Fraochy Bay's sweet-toothed residents
6:05 PM
Binneas - Na Trads
Music by Elephant Sessions
6:30 PM
An Là (News)
Local, national and international news
6:45 PM
The Cutter - Seonaidh Beag Iain
The story behind one of Runrig's best-known tracks, The Cutter
7:00 PM
Oran na Mna
The themes of birth and baptism in Gaelic poetry and song
7:30 PM
Mach à Seo!
Ramsay MacMahon is in Edinburgh, a place very close to his heart
8:00 PM
Leugh Mi (Book Show)
Lana Pheuton and Kevin Rodgers discuss books of special interest to them.
8:30 PM
Port Steòrnabhaigh
There is a health problem on board one of the boats
9:00 PM
Runrig: The Last Dance
The Celtic rock band's final performance
10:30 PM
Air an Oir/Runrig
The musical influences of rock band Runrig
11:25 PM
Dhan Uisge
Calum Maclean swims in a beautiful loch in the Lochaber area
11:30 PM
Coin Trusaidh/Muster Dogs
The 12-month training session comes to an end
12:30 AM
Valtos and friends in concert for Celtic Connections
1:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal
6:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal