Discovery History +1 Tuesday
7:00 AM
Expedition Unknown
Tracking the outlaw couple, Josh scours a legendary Bonnie and Clyde hideout
Tracking the outlaw couple, Josh scours a legendary Bonnie and Clyde hideout. Then he hits the road to the site of the duo's most notorious shootout

8:00 AM
Tony Robinson's World War One
Unprecedented technologies that made the conflict bloodier
With the Battle of the Somme in full swing, Tony Robinson uses rare stereoscopic images to reveal some of the unprecedented technologies that made the war even bloodier

9:00 AM
Abandoned: Chernobyl's Deadly Secrets
The causes and outcomes of the events at the Chernobyl site
Philip Grossman examines the causes and outcomes of the events at the Chernobyl site

10:00 AM
Cooper's Treasure
Darrell Miklos attempts to decode a map created by ex-astronaut Gordon Cooper
Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos attempts to decode and follow a 'treasure map' created by his boyhood idol, former Project Mercury astronaut Gordon 'Gordo' Cooper

11:00 AM
Salvage Hunters
Drew takes home the worst chair he has ever bought
Drew Pritchard visits a Devon mansion and takes home the worst chair he has ever bought and, at a lace factory in Scotland, literally goes home with the kitchen sink

12:00 PM
World's Greatest Motorcycle Rides
A Norton Domiracer takes Henry along the A-roads of East Anglia
A Norton Domiracer takes Henry Cole along the A-roads of East Anglia, where the rider is keen to stop at some of the places he used to go as a youngster

1:00 PM
Combat Dealers
Bruce Crompton heads to a Martello Tower on the Channel Islands
Eccentric military equipment collector Bruce Crompton heads to a Martello Tower on the Channel Islands

2:00 PM
Blowing Up History
A Viking fortress lost underground for over 1,000 years is discovered
A Viking fortress lost underground for over 1,000 years is discovered, and experts investigate its buried treasures

3:00 PM
Tony Robinson's World War One
Tony looks at the final year of the conflict
Tony looks at the last year of the conflict, revealing how German forces engaged in one last push - but were thwarted by British tactics and technology

4:00 PM
Salvage Hunters
Drew takes home the worst chair he has ever bought
Drew Pritchard visits a Devon mansion and takes home the worst chair he has ever bought and, at a lace factory in Scotland, literally goes home with the kitchen sink

5:00 PM
Secrets Underground
Mysterious tunnels under Denver's airport
Rob Nelson investigates mysterious tunnels under Denver's airport, then heads to Ohio to uncover the secrets of a giant serpent-shaped mound

6:00 PM
Shed and Buried
Sheds in Cornwall to Oxfordshire
Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove take a trip from Cornwall to Oxfordshire to rummage around in some of Britain's most amazing sheds in search of a nice little earner

6:30 PM
Shed and Buried
Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove seek items to restore in Buckinghamshire
Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove head to sunny Buckinghamshire in the hope of finding something to restore and sell

7:00 PM
Cooper's Treasure
Darrell Miklos searches for another shipwreck
Darrell Miklos searches for another shipwreck, and with just eight weeks of funds left, he needs to find a different shipwreck that he can salvage

8:00 PM
Expedition Unknown
Josh hunts for the last Mayan stronghold to ward off the Spanish conquistadors
Trekking deep into Mexico's narco-controlled jungles, Josh hunts for the last Mayan stronghold to ward off the Spanish conquistadors

9:00 PM
Tony Robinson's World War One
The presenter gains an unparalleled perspective of the conflict
The presenter - whose grandfather enlisted in the First World War - gains an unparalleled perspective of the Great War from 3D photographs

10:00 PM
Combat Dealers
Bruce Crompton takes Hus on an Italian road-trip
Bruce Crompton takes Hus on an Italian road-trip, meeting up with dealers whose objects tell the story of Italy's role in the Second World War

11:00 PM
Salvage Hunters
Drew Pritchard visits an 18th-century mansion on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors
Drew Pritchard is blown away by an 18th-century mansion on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors, and goes deep below ground at a Liverpool cathedral to unearth religious artefacts

12:00 AM
World's Greatest Motorcycle Rides
Henry Cole potters through the Highlands of Scotland on his Honda Africa Twin
Henry Cole potters through the Highlands of Scotland on his brand new Honda Africa Twin, a versatile bike perfect for the route known as the 'Tartan Titan'

1:00 AM
Shed and Buried
Pontiac ambulances, mysterious automotive sculptures and well-preserved motorbikes
In Surrey, Henry Cole and Simon Lovegrove find Pontiac ambulances, mysterious automotive sculptures and strangely well-preserved motorbikes

1:30 AM
Shed and Buried
Bike guru Henry Cole and ace mechanic Sam Lovegrove head to Cornwall
Bike guru Henry Cole and ace mechanic Sam Lovegrove head o Cornwall, where they meet a collector whose cottage is like a transport museum, chock-full with memorabilia

2:00 AM
Combat Dealers
Bruce Crompton sells a Second World War tank destroyer to an Australian museum
Military equipment collector Bruce Crompton sells an Australian museum a Second World War tank destroyer worth half a million pounds, which still needs a barrel

3:00 AM
Salvage Hunters
Drew Pritchard visits an 18th-century mansion on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors
Drew Pritchard is blown away by an 18th-century mansion on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors, and goes deep below ground at a Liverpool cathedral to unearth religious artefacts

4:00 AM
Tony Robinson's World War One
The presenter gains an unparalleled perspective of the conflict
The presenter - whose grandfather enlisted in the First World War - gains an unparalleled perspective of the Great War from 3D photographs

5:00 AM
World's Greatest Motorcycle Rides
Henry Cole potters through the Highlands of Scotland on his Honda Africa Twin
Henry Cole potters through the Highlands of Scotland on his brand new Honda Africa Twin, a versatile bike perfect for the route known as the 'Tartan Titan'