Oireachtas TV Tuesday

Oireachtas TV
4:00 AM
European Parliament Debates
Coverage of debates held in the European Parliament
6:30 AM
European Parliament Debates
Coverage of debates held in the European Parliament
8:50 AM
Houses of the Oireachtas Committees
Members can examine key legislation and policy areas ...
10:30 AM
Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, Trade & Defence
Members can examine key legislation and policy areas ...
12:10 PM
Questions to An Taoiseach
The Taoiseach answers questions put to him by Members on ...
1:00 PM
Private Members' Business
Private Members Business is time set aside to debate ...
3:10 PM
Dáil Éireann Replay
Questions asked of Ministers in the Dáil
4:45 PM
Leaders' Questions Replay
Where Party Leaders and the Leaders of recognised techn...
5:30 PM
Around the Houses
[SL] [S] A look back on some of the main events in the p...
6:30 PM
Houses of the Oireachtas Committees
Members can examine key legislation and policy areas ...
8:00 PM
Seanad Éireann
An opportunity for Senators to raise a matter which is top...
8:30 PM
Private Members' Business
Private Members Business is time set aside to debate ...
10:30 PM
A Woman's Place
A painting of 53 female members of the Houses of the Oireachtas
11:30 PM
Houses of the Oireachtas Committees
Members can examine key legislation and policy areas ...
2:00 AM
When the island said 'Yes'
Panel discussion on the Good Friday Agreement referendu...
3:30 AM
Houses of the Oireachtas Committees
Members can examine key legislation and policy areas ...