The Madame Blanc Mysteries season 4: Coronation Street star Charlie Condou joins the cast
By Helen Fear |The Madame Blanc Mysteries
Season 4
6 episodes
The mystery drama starring Sally Lindsay as ex-pat antiques dealer Jean White returns.
Charlie's Aunt Fifi is fatally poisoned by a mysterious figure. Jean discovers that the deceased owned valuable antiques and collectibles, potentially making Charlie an heir. However, Fifi's complicated relationship with her half-sister Ines and her husband Alan may jeopardise that. Drama, starring Sally Lindsay
Charlie is cashing up at Brodeur and White, while Simone looks stunning as they prepare to catch a movie. Charlie’s Aunt Fifi offers to lock up after cleaning. While Fifi is in the bathroom, a gloved hand quietly slips a dinner knife into the door latch and opens it.
Unaware, lost listening to music, Fifi doesn’t hear the intruder enter. The gloved figure swaps her detergent bottle with an identical one and takes the key from the lock, securing the door behind them.
Fifi unknowingly uses the swapped spray. It reacts with bleach, releasing toxic fumes. Struggling to breathe, she staggers to the door, but it's locked. She collapses, her bloodshot eyes staring as she lies on the bathroom floor.
Meanwhile, at La Couronne, Jean, Dom, and Gloria enjoy dinner, complimenting Patrick on his Coq au Vin. When Gloria trips over a mop Judith left out, Dom insists on taking her to A&E. Judith and Jeremy offer to care for Gloria's dog, Douglas. How hard can it be?
When Jean arrives back at Border and White she is shocked to see it has become a crime scene. Charlie and Simone explain they broke into the bathroom after returning from the movies to find Fifi dead, with the air thick with ammonia—mustard gas.
The next morning, Jean and Dom’s breakfast is interrupted by a distraught Charlie. Caron wants to see her at Fifi’s house, so Jean goes along. There, they discover Fifi owned valuable antiques and collectibles, potentially making Charlie an heir. However, Fifi’s complicated relationship with her half-sister Ines and her husband Alan may jeopardise that.
Now, Jean must uncover who killed Fifi and why they’re after her inheritance.
Jean WhiteSally Lindsay
Dom HayfieldSteve Edge
Gendarme CaronAlex Gaumond
Judith Lloyd-JamesSue Holderness
Jeremy Lloyd-JamesRobin Askwith
Gloria BeauchampSue Vincent
Uncle PatrickTony Robinson
Gendarme RichardJacqueline Berces
Charlie BrodeurSanchia McCormack
Simone BrodeurDjinda Kane
FifiMarcelle Teuma
PierreCharlie Condou
InesAnnabelle Williams
AlanSimon Green
Jean - Sally Lindsay
Dom - Steve Edge
Caron - Alex Gaumond
Judith - Sue Holderness
Jeremy - Robin Askwith
Gloria - Sue Vincent
Uncle Patrick - Tony Robinson (Episodes 2, 4 & 6)
Gendarme Richard – Jacqueline Berces (Episodes 2,3,6)
Charlie – Sanchia McCormack (Episode 2 & 3)
Simone – Djinda Kane (Episode 2 & 3)
Episode 2:
Fifi – Marcelle Teuma
Pierre – Charlie Condou
Ines – Annabelle Williams
Alan – Simon Green